
A step-by-step guide to generating your own NFTs.

How do I create an NFT?

From, go to your profile icon and click "Create" button the top right corner.

You'll be taken to the NFT item creation page. This page will allow you to upload your NFT file, name it and add a description.

After completing those fields, you'll be able to customize your NFT further. This includes placing it in an existing collection, or adding properties, even unlockable content!

Once you're done customizing your NFT, click "Create". Congrats, you've just made your first NFT!

How do I create a collection?

There are 2 methods for you to create a collection.

You can create it when creating NFT as below:

Or you can create it by accessing My collection on the header menu.

  • Step 1: Click My collection on the menu

  • Step 2: Then you can create or update the created collection as below

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